Theravada Buddhist Temple and Vipassana Meditation Center

The Georgia Buddhist Vihara is dedicated to the promotion of the Theravada Buddhist teachings through the practice of meditation, study of Buddhist scriptures, Dhamma School for children and regular religious ceremonies. The Vihara was established in 2000 in Atlanta, Georgia.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Buddhism in a Nutshell

By Narada Thero

As long as this kammic force exists there is rebirth, for beings are merely the visible manifestation of this invisible kammic force. Death is nothing but the temporary end of this temporary phenomenon. It is not the complete annihilation of this so-called being. The organic life has ceased, but the kammic force which hitherto actuated it has not been destroyed. As the kammic force remains entirely undisturbed by the disintegration of the fleeting body, the passing away of the present dying thought-moment only conditions a fresh consciousness in another birth. More


Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation

Reincarnation Briefly Explained

Reincarnation, "reentering the flesh", implies rebirth of souls in new human bodies. Hindus, Jainists, Celtic pagans, Buddhists, and others believe in reincarnation. These include a significant minority of people in the West. Ancient Hindu scriptures of teach that the soul takes birth repeatedly, after periods in the beyond in between these lives. Finally souls graduate from the schools of hard knocks that we call earthly life. More


Child's Nightmares and Memories Prove Reincarnation




Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dear Dhamma Friends,

Do you want your children to learn Sinhala Language, now there is the  fastest way to teach the Language please click here and follow the sub  links.  Good luck for our children.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


37 Qualities Leading to Awakening (Bodhipakkiya)
CategoriesPali termsEnglish translation
4 Foundations of Mindfulness

KayanupassanaMindfulness of the body
VedanupassanaMindfulness of the feelings/sensations
CittanupassanaMindfulness of the mind/mental processes
DhammanupassanaMindfulness of phenomena/reality/Dhamma
4 Right Efforts

SaṃvarappadhānaṃEffort to prevent unarisen, unwholesome states of mind from arising
PahānappadhānaṃEffort to abandon unarisen, unwholesome states of mind from arising
BhāvanāppadhānaṃEffort  to develop unarisen wholesome states of mind
AnurakkhaṇappadhānaṃEffort to develop and perfect arisen wholesome states of mind
4 Means to Accomplishment

ChandaDesire (or will) to act (this is a positive quality, NOT to be confused with lobha, desire as greed)
5 Faculties

SaddhāConfidence/faith in the Buddha
5 Powers

SaddhāFull development of Confidence/faith in the Buddha
ViriyaFull development of Energy
SatiFull development of Mindfulness
SamādhiFull development of Concentration
PaññāFull development of Wisdom
7 Enlightenment Factors

DhammavicayaInvestigation of the Dhamma/reality (investigation into mental and material phenomena as they really are)
8 Path Factors

Sammā-diṭṭhiRight View (wisdom in understanding the Four Noble Truths and knowledge of kamma)
Sammā-sankappaRight Intention (intention directed towards renunciation, intention directed towards good will in order to overcome hatred, and intention directed towards harmlessness to overcome violence)
Sammā-vācāRight Speech (refraining from false speech, malicious speech, harsh speech, and idle chatter)
Sammā-kammantaRight Action (refraining from killing, stealing, and sensual/sexual misconduct)
Sammā-ājivaRight Livelihood
Sammā-vāyāmaRight Effort (same as 4 Right Efforts [Sammappadhāna] listed above)
Sammā-satiRight Mindfulness (same as 4 Foundations of Mindfulness [Satipaṭṭhāna] listed above)
Sammā-samādhiRight Concentration (development of the 4 jhānic stages)

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Navam  full moon has special significance for the Buddhists in Sri Lanka  and in the world.  Few  important incidents that took place on Navam Full moon day. The first  Buddhist council (Sangayanawa) was held on Navam Full Moon Day. The appointment of Arahat Sariputta and Moggallana theros  as the two chief disciples “Aggarasavakas” took place on Navam Poya Day.Venerable Sariputta Thero was appointed to the prestigious position “Darmasenadhipati” and Venerable Maha Moggallana Thereo as “Dharma Purohita” receptively. And also on Navam Full Moon Day, Ven. Sariputta Thero attained   Arahatship listening to “Vedana Pariggaha Sutta” expounded by the Enlightened One to Dighanaka.

There are two basic discourses in Buddhism. They are “Ovada Prathimokkha” means to give advise. Through this, you develop self-discipline. It was on Navam Poya Day that Buddha delivered a sermon on “Ovada Prathimokkha” to Sariputta and Moggallana Theras.

The other is known as “Ana Desana” which means to order to follow rules and regulations on discipline.

The deliverance of ‘Vedanaparigga Sutta’ to ascetic Diganaka took place at Sukarakhatalena, closed to mount Gijjakuta by Buddha on a Navam Poya Day.

Recommended Readings for Navam Full Moon:


The Navam Poya   program will be held on on Saturday, Feb 19, 2011, from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm at the Georgia Buddhist Vihara,  We invite you all, to join the Navam  moon day program.


7:30am – 8:30am Observance of the eight Precepts, Buddha Puja and Heel Dana.

8:30am – 9:00am Tea, & coffee break

9:00am – 11:00am Vipassana Meditation.

11:00am Buddha Puja

11:20am – 12 Noon Dana offering to the monks and those who observe eight precepts. Dana Will be served  by Upasaka Bandu and  Upasika Perl (For additional information of the program, please feel free to call Vihara at 770-987-8442.)


12nn – 1:00pm Luncheon

1:00 – 2:00pm Discussion will be base on Abhidhamma by Dr. Deepta Jayaratne

2:00 – 2:15pm Break.

3:15 – 4:00 Sutra Discussion; Maha-Dukkakkandha Sutta  (Please click on these links  for the details)මහා-දුක්ඛක්ඛන්‍ධ-සූත්‍රය/

5:00 pm  Termination of the Sil, Gilanpasa Pujava


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